

Students with chronic medical conditions and/or psychological disorders may qualify for flexibility with course 最后期限, 出席, 上课时迟到或休息.

Qualifying conditions may temporarily impair the student's ability to attend every class, 准时上课, 坐到整堂课结束或者赶上课程截止日期. 缺少类或需要扩展的一些常见原因包括, 但不限于:对药物的不良反应, 必要的紧急治疗, 住院治疗和偶发性残疾突发.  

This accommodation provides students the opportunity to meet course learning objectives, with accommodation for course policies that could cause undue penalty for circumstances related to the student’s disability.

学生残疾服务 (SDS) recommends that students and faculty meet as early in the semester as possible to discuss the following:  

  • 学生将如何要求住宿? (SDS recommends that flexibility requests be made in writing and faculty respond in writing for record-keeping purposes)  
  • Does the faculty member have a preferred time frame to submit a request for this accommodation? (SDS recommends that students notify faculty as soon as they know they will not make it to class or will not meet a deadline)
  • When the student makes a request for an extended deadline, how long will the student be granted?
  • When the student makes a request for flexibility with an 出席 policy, 还会有多少人旷课?
  • 在某些情况下,缺勤会受到部分处罚吗? 班上有多少学生旷课算过分?
  • Students and faculty are welcome to contact the student’s disability counselor to consult about any questions that may arise from this discussion

How will I communicate with my professors about my need for flexibility during the semester?

学生有责任要求灵活的出勤时间, 最后期限, tardies and/or breaks from faculty each time they need it throughout the semester. Sharing your letter with your professor provides proof that you qualify for this accommodation, but you must make a specific request to a specific professor in order to implement this accommodation. Students should contact their professor in a reasonable amount of time concerning their need for flexibility and speak directly with the faculty member about the accommodation.  


This accommodation is not unlimited and requires input from your professor about how it will be implemented in each course. SDS recommends reading your syllabi thoroughly so you understand each course's specific 出席, 截止日期或延迟政策. It is your responsibility to negotiate a reasonable accommodation with each professor. It is likely that the accommodation will be implemented differently in each class depending on its stated policies. It is also your responsibility to keep up with the number of absences (excused or unexcused) you have in each course and to contact the faculty member and/or your disability counselor if you have questions or concerns.


It is important to consider how you will implement this accommodation in your class as you are creating course policies. This accommodation is not intended to provide unlimited flexibility to students. SDS always discusses the limitations of this accommodation with students so they understand that it is determined in keeping with the integrity of the course. The accommodation should be provided only to the extent that it is reasonable given your syllabus policies and course learning objectives. This means that you should consider what your stated 出席/deadline/tardy policies are, and how you could accommodate a student that may have disability-related reasons for not meeting those policies.  Faculty are only required to provide a reasonable level of flexibility in consultation with SDS.


Faculty are responsible for responding to a student’s request for flexibility and communicating a decision regarding flexibility in a timely manner. Faculty do not have to provide flexibility to a student if the student has not made a direct request for flexibility to the faculty member or the request is substantially late (SDS should be consulted as needed). Qualifying for this accommodation and sharing a letter with this accommodation is not sufficient to mandate flexibility in all situations. Faculty should contact 学生残疾服务 by email or phone if you need further consultation regarding a specific request.  

What should I do if I have questions about the implementation of this accommodation?

SDS 欢迎教师的电子邮件和电话 to discuss concerns about this accommodation or a particular student's request/s. It is important the accommodation implementation does not fundamentally alter the course objectives. The student’s disability counselor is a useful resource for detailed information regarding the student’s needs and creative ways to fulfill the accommodation. SDS欢迎教师就课程内容提供意见, 方法, 以及维护课程完整性的必要组成部分.